From time to time, we are asked about ways that someone can help raise funds so ECFA can continue it's impactful programing. Here is a list of ideas that can help you AFFIRM LIFE with ECFA:
Does your employer offer a Workplace Giving program?
If so, you could potentially make TAX FREE donations to ECFA​
Some employers also match donations
If you're not sure if your employer does this, ask your HR department!
Invite your friends, family, church groups to an ECFA Event
​We have at least 5 events a year, so there is something for everyone​
- Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, an/or LinkedIn to share event posts​
- Start a Fundraiser on Facebook, or other Social Media Platforms​
- Organize a Baby Bottle Drive: distribute baby bottles throughout your office, church, personal network, or neighborhood and ask them to fill the bottles with any loose change or bills. Each time they reach for loose change, they'll remember ECFA and perhaps say a prayer to Affirm Life.
- Host a Baby Shower using our Amazon Wish List as the registry to help provide needed items for mothers and their babies.​
- Host a "Sale" event to benefit ECFA
- Bake Sale​
- Garage Sale
- Craft Sale
- Have a "Penny Wars" competition between multiple groups of people at Youth Group, Church, School, or Work using 5 gallon water jugs
- $0.01 = 1 point
- Coins are placed in own teams' container.
- Bills are placed in opponents containers to reduce their points
- At the end of the competition, the winning team gets a prize (pizza party, etc.)​​​
- Order coffee through Seven Weeks Coffee <---Click this link to order.
- They support pregnancy centers across the United States
- Their coffee is delicious
- 10% of your purchase is donated to ECFA​
- Host an Afternoon Tea with friends
- Have a suggested donation for an entry fee​
- Dress up, use your fine China, have classical music playing, and have fun!
- Host a booth at a community event
- We can provide materials and displays​
- This also helps to raise awareness​
This is just a start, If you have any questions or you want to add an idea or suggestion to this list send Dan Vallaro an email and he'll add it!
We appreciate your support and ask that you help spread the word about ECFA's Life Affirming Ministry to your friends, family, and church groups.
For one-time gifts arising from occurrences such as an inheritance, the sale of a business, or other non-cash assets, we recommend contacting us about giving through the ECFA Foundation to promote and support the ministries of ECFA in the future.​