If you choose to parent your child, we will walk alongside you with emotional, educational, and practical support from the beginning of services until your child is six months old.
If you choose adoption, we will provide information, emotional support, and discuss questions you have before you make your decision. We will then assist you in creating your adoption plan and continue to offer services for up to one year post-birth.
24/7 on-call for emergencies
Birth options counseling
Flexible meetings; in your home or community
Parenting skills
Child development
Pregnancy and Childbirth Education
Adoption planning
Community resource referrals
Goal Setting
Baby Items
Support for individuals of ALL ages, including minors
Healthy Relationship Education and Family Planning

Want to know more?
Click on this link to find a list of items that our Pregnancy Support Services clients need on a regular basis. You can purchase these items through the list and they will be sent to us.
Thank you for considering supporting PSS!